
Explore how SharePoint and SharePoint enterprise license costs can benefit small businesses

SharePoint enterprise license costs
SharePoint enterprise license costs
SharePoint enterprise license costs

Welcome to the world where efficient collaboration and streamlined business processes are a dream and a reality. This is the world of SharePoint – Microsoft’s powerful platform to enhance productivity, collaboration, and information management within organisations.

If you’re running a small business or are at the helm of a growing enterprise, understanding the tools that can propel your business forward is crucial. That’s where SharePoint comes in, offering a suite of features tailored to improve how your team works together. However, the question often arises, especially for smaller businesses, is the cost. How much does implementing SharePoint cost, and what are the tangible benefits for your business?

In this article, I’ll take you through the ins and outs of SharePoint’s pricing structure, and more importantly, I’ll highlight how it can be a game-changer for small businesses like yours. From enhancing team collaboration to automating key business processes, we’ll explore how SharePoint isn’t just an expense – it’s an investment in your business’s future. So, let’s dive in and discover what SharePoint can do for you.

Understanding SharePoint

Before we discuss the specifics of cost and benefits, it’s essential to grasp what SharePoint is and why it has become a pivotal tool in the business landscape, particularly for small businesses.

At its core, SharePoint is a versatile platform developed by Microsoft, designed to enhance organisational efficiency and collaboration. It is a centralised hub where your team can store, access, manage documents and collaborate on real-time projects. But SharePoint is more than just a storage space; it’s a comprehensive tool that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, bringing together various functionalities:

Document Management and Storage: SharePoint offers a secure and organised system for storing and managing documents. It allows easy access and retrieval of files, version control, and real-time document collaboration.

Collaboration Tools: With features like team sites, communication sites, and integration with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint fosters a collaborative workspace where team members can share ideas, work on projects, and stay connected.

Workflow Automation: SharePoint enables you to automate routine business processes. From simple tasks like notifications and approvals to complex operational workflows, it streamlines your business processes, saving time and reducing the scope for errors.

Customisation and Scalability: One of SharePoint’s most significant advantages is its customisability. It can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your business. SharePoint scales with you as your business grows, adapting to your evolving requirements.

Data Security and Compliance: In today’s digital age, data security is paramount. SharePoint provides robust security features, ensuring your sensitive business data is protected. Additionally, it adheres to compliance standards, which is crucial for businesses in regulated industries.

The role of SharePoint in enhancing collaboration and efficiency cannot be overstated. One implemented SharePoint acts as the digital backbone of your business, connecting various aspects of your work environment. For small businesses, this means a platform that simplifies your work and elevates your capabilities to compete in the market. In the following sections, we’ll break down the costs associated with SharePoint and explore its specific benefits to small businesses.

SharePoint enterprise license costs & Pricing Explained

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Are you looking for specific SharePoint requirements?

Grasping ‘How much does SharePoint cost? It can be a complex question for those exploring its potential. Understanding the pricing structure of SharePoint is crucial for businesses to make informed decisions. SharePoint offers flexibility in its pricing models, catering to different business needs and scales. Let’s break down these models to see what suits your business best.

SharePoint Online vs. On-Premises:

SharePoint Online

This cloud-based service is part of the Microsoft 365 suite. It eliminates the need for physical servers and the associated maintenance costs. You pay a subscription fee per user, making it a cost-effective solution for small businesses.

SharePoint On-Premises

This model involves hosting SharePoint on your servers. It’s ideal for businesses requiring extensive customisation or specific data control needs. The cost includes server hardware, software licenses, and ongoing maintenance.

Subscription Tiers

SharePoint Online offers various tiers:

  1. Office 365 E1: Includes basic SharePoint features, ideal for businesses that need a collaborative workspace with cloud storage.
  2. Office 365 E3: Offers additional capabilities like enhanced security features and compliance tools.
  3. Office 365 E5: The most comprehensive package, including advanced analytics and eDiscovery tools.

You can read more about the latest  SharePoint enterprise license costs, pricing and features of the various tiers directly on the Microsoft website 

Additional Costs


Depending on your specific needs, additional costs can arise from customising SharePoint to fit your business processes.


For SharePoint Online, maintenance costs are relatively lower as Microsoft handles most of the backend work. For On-Premises, ongoing maintenance costs need to be considered.

Training and Support

Ensuring your team is proficient in using SharePoint might require training. Support costs can also vary based on the service level you choose.

The choice between SharePoint Online and On-Premises largely depends on your business’s size, needs, and IT infrastructure. While the Online model offers simplicity and cost-effectiveness, the On-Premises model provides more control and customisation. Understanding these pricing tiers and additional costs will help you budget effectively and choose the correct version of SharePoint for your business.

In the next section, we’ll explore how investing in SharePoint can yield significant returns for your businesses.

Evaluating the ROI of SharePoint for Small Businesses

When considering SharePoint for your business, it’s not just the initial costs that matter but also the return on investment (ROI) it offers. Understanding this ROI is crucial in assessing whether SharePoint is a viable solution for your business. Let me tell you how SharePoint can be a cost-effective investment for your businesses.

Cost vs. Benefit Analysis

  1. Initial Costs include subscription fees (for SharePoint Online), hardware and software costs (for On-Premises), and any customisation or training expenses.
  2. Long-Term Benefits: The benefits of SharePoint manifest in various ways:
    1. Increased Productivity: By streamlining workflows and improving document management, SharePoint saves time and effort, directly impacting productivity.
    2. Enhanced Collaboration: The collaborative features of SharePoint facilitate better teamwork, leading to faster project completions and more efficient operations.
    3. Scalability: As your business grows, SharePoint scales with you, avoiding the need for frequent software changes or upgrades.
    4. Reduced Operational Costs: Automating processes and reducing the need for physical storage and paperwork can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

Measuring ROI

  1. Quantitative Measures: Consider metrics like time saved in document retrieval and management, reduction in operational costs due to automation, and productivity gains from improved collaboration.
  2. Qualitative Measures: Improved data security, employee satisfaction due to streamlined processes, and enhanced customer service can also be significant ROI factors.

Long-Term Value of SharePoint

  • While the upfront costs of SharePoint might seem substantial, especially for small businesses, its long-term value in terms of efficiency, productivity, and scalability often outweighs the initial investment.
  • The ability of SharePoint to adapt to the growing needs of a business means that it continues to provide value as your business evolves, making it a wise investment for the future.

The ROI of SharePoint for small businesses is not just in immediate cost savings but in the platform’s ability to drive business growth and efficiency over time. By comparing the costs and benefits, it becomes evident that SharePoint is an investment that can lead to substantial gains for any business in the long run.

Below, we’ll explore the specific benefits SharePoint brings to the table.

Key Benefits of SharePoint for Businesses

SharePoint is not just a tool; it’s a game-changer for businesses, especially those in the growth phase. Its multifaceted benefits cater to various aspects of business operations, making it an invaluable asset. Let’s explore some of the critical benefits that SharePoint offers:

Scalability & Flexibility

  • Grows with Your Business: SharePoint’s scalable nature means it can adapt to your growing business needs. SharePoint accommodates more data, users, and complex processes as your business expands without requiring a complete overhaul.
  • Flexible Solutions: Whether you need a simple document management system or an enterprise-wide collaboration platform, SharePoint is flexible enough to meet diverse business requirements.

Enhanced Collaboration & Communication Tools

  • Streamlined Teamwork: SharePoint promotes teamwork through features like shared workspaces, team sites, and integration with Microsoft Teams. These tools make it easier for teams to collaborate on projects and share real-time information.
  • Centralised Information Hub: It serves as a single source of truth, ensuring that all team members have access to the latest documents and information, which is crucial for making informed decisions.

Document Management & Data Security

  • Robust Document Management: SharePoint’s document management capabilities are second to none. It allows for efficient organisation, easy retrieval, version control, and real-time document collaboration.
  • Enhanced Data Security: With features like advanced permissions, audit trails, and data loss prevention, SharePoint ensures your business data is secure and compliant with industry standards.

Business Process Automation & Efficiency

  • Automate Routine Tasks: SharePoint enables you to automate business processes, from simple tasks like notifications and approvals to more complex workflows. This automation reduces manual errors and frees your team to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Improved Efficiency: By reducing the time and effort spent on routine tasks, SharePoint increases overall operational efficiency, which is crucial for small businesses looking to maximise their resources.

Incorporating SharePoint into your business operations means more than just adopting a new software; it’s about embracing a tool that can transform your business, making it more efficient, secure, and prepared for future growth.

Real-World Examples

To illustrate the impact of SharePoint, let’s look at a few real-world examples of businesses that have successfully implemented SharePoint and how it transformed their operations.

Example 1: Retail Company Embraces Digital Collaboration

  • Background: A mid-sized retail company struggling with inefficient document management and poor team collaboration.
  • Implementation: Introduced SharePoint for centralised document storage, team sites for different departments, and integrated Microsoft Teams for real-time communication.
  • Outcome: Improved document accessibility and team productivity, leading to faster decision-making and streamlined operations.

Example 2: Law Firm Enhances Document Security and Access

  • Background: A small law firm needed a secure, organised system for sensitive legal documents.
  • Implementation: Implemented SharePoint with advanced security features, including permission levels and audit trails.
  • Outcome: Significantly enhanced data security, better control over document access, and an improved ability to collaborate on cases while maintaining client confidentiality.

Example 3: Non-Profit Organization Automates Workflow Processes

  • Background: A non-profit organisation faced challenges managing donor information and volunteer coordination.
  • Implementation: SharePoint was deployed to automate donor management and volunteer scheduling workflows.
  • Outcome: Streamlined processes, reducing manual errors, and more efficient management of resources, allowing the organisation to focus more on its core mission.

Example 4: Manufacturing Company Streamlines Project Management

  • Background: A growing manufacturing company needed a solution for managing multiple projects and cross-departmental collaboration.
  • Implementation: Utilised SharePoint to create project sites, centralise project documentation, and track progress.
  • Outcome: Enhanced project visibility, improved department communication, and more efficient project completion.

Example 5: Healthcare Provider Centralises Patient Records

  • Background: A healthcare provider sought an efficient way to manage patient records and comply with health regulations.
  • Implementation: SharePoint was used to create a secure, compliant system for storing and managing patient records.
  • Outcome: Easier access to patient information, improved regulatory compliance, and enhanced patient care quality.

These examples showcase the versatility of SharePoint in addressing various business challenges. Whether improving collaboration, securing sensitive data, automating processes, or enhancing project management, SharePoint is valuable for businesses across different industries.

How to Get Started with SharePoint

Implementing SharePoint in your business can seem daunting. Still, the right approach can be a smooth and rewarding process. Here’s a guide to help you get started:

1. Assess Your Business Needs

  • Identify Key Areas: Determine what aspects of your business benefit most from SharePoint. Is it document management, team collaboration, or process automation?
  • Set Clear Objectives: Understand what you want to achieve with SharePoint – improved efficiency, better data management, or enhanced security.

2. Choosing the Right SharePoint Plan

  • Evaluate SharePoint Options: Compare SharePoint Online and On-Premises based on your business size, needs, and IT infrastructure.
  • Consider Subscription Tiers: Look at the features offered in different Office 365/SharePoint Online plans. Choose one that aligns with your business requirements and budget.

3. Planning and Implementation

  • Create a Roadmap: Develop a step-by-step plan for implementing SharePoint. This may include a timeline, budget, and resource allocation.
  • Seek Expert Assistance: Consider hiring a SharePoint consultant or a service provider like Neologix for professional guidance and smooth implementation.

4. Customisation and Integration

  • Tailor SharePoint to Your Needs: Customize SharePoint to fit your business processes. This might involve creating custom workflow sites or integrating with existing systems.
  • User Adoption Strategy: Ensure a user-friendly interface and provide training to your team for effective adoption of SharePoint.

5. Ongoing Maintenance and Support

  • Stay Updated: Keep your SharePoint environment up-to-date with the latest features and security updates.
  • Seek Ongoing Support: Utilize support services for any technical issues or further customisation needs.

6. Measuring Success

  • Track Performance: After implementation, monitor how SharePoint impacts your business operations. Evaluate its effectiveness against the objectives you set initially.

These steps can help you ensure a successful SharePoint implementation tailored to your business needs and poised to deliver significant benefits. Remember, SharePoint is not just about adopting new software; it’s about transforming your business and preparing for future growth.


As explored throughout this article, SharePoint presents a compelling value proposition for businesses, significantly growing enterprises. At the same time, the initial costs associated with SharePoint – whether you opt for an Online subscription or an On-Premises deployment – seem like a significant investment. Still, the long-term benefits and ROI are substantial. SharePoint enhances collaboration and efficiency and scales with your business, offering flexible, secure, and customisable solutions to meet your evolving needs.

The key takeaway is that SharePoint is more than just a cost; it’s an investment in your business’s future. Its ability to streamline workflows, enhance data security, and improve overall productivity can transform how you operate and compete in the market. With its scalable nature and comprehensive suite of tools, SharePoint is an ideal solution for small businesses looking to leverage technology for growth and success.

As you consider the next steps for your business, please evaluate your specific needs and how SharePoint can address them. Think about areas in your business where efficiency can be improved, collaboration could be smoother, and data could be more secure. SharePoint could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Implementing SharePoint might be the turning point your business needs to step up its game in today’s digital world. Embrace the opportunity to transform your business operations and set a solid foundation for future growth with SharePoint.

Ready to unlock the full potential of SharePoint for your business? At Neologix, we’re committed to helping businesses like yours leverage SharePoint to its maximum capacity. Whether you’re looking to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, or secure your data, our team of experts guides you every step of the way.

Don’t let the complexities of SharePoint implementation hold you back. Contact us today to explore how we can tailor SharePoint solutions to your unique business needs. You can reach us at +971-521043226 or drop us an email at You can also use our contact form on our website for a quick and easy way to get in touch.

Take the first step towards transforming your business with SharePoint. Reach out to Neologix now, and let’s embark on this journey together!

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